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This article is about the Velociraptor Paddock made for Jurassic World. You might be looking for the Velociraptor Paddock made for Jurassic Park.

Velociraptors and Owen

Inside the Velociraptor Paddock.

The Raptor Paddock[1][2] is a paddock on Isla Nublar near the location of the T. rex’s old paddock[citation needed] that housed four Velociraptors. Simon Masrani assigned the InGen Security Division to build the arena and investigate the raptor's intelligence. The arena was not open for visitors of Jurassic World. It is also known as the Raptor Research Arena.



The outside of the raptor paddock.

Simon Masrani wanted to investigate the Velociraptor’s intelligence before opening them to visitors of the park. This project was assigned to the InGen Security, under the supervision of Vic Hoskins. The Raptor Research Arena was built in 2013 or before.[3] It was probably located on the east coast of the island.[1]

Barry and naval officer Owen Grady were hired to train the raptors.[4] Four raptors were created/bred for the project: Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo. Owen was likely present at their birth.[5] The raptors were 73% trained and Owen taught them over 40 commands.[2]

A small incident occurred where newly hired Jurassic World worker Leon fell inside the paddock when he was feeding its inhabitants where he was met with hostility from Blue and her subordinates, the Velociraptor Paddock's raptor pack. Thankfully for Leon, Owen Grady jumped in front of the raptors and calmed them before anything bad happened.[4]

When the Indominus rex broke out, Owen reluctantly allowed Hoskins to release the raptors from their paddock and use them in tracking the hybrid down.


The Raptor Paddock is octagon in shape with intersecting walkways on the top bordered with railings. Built within the paddock are four chutes (Raptor Grooming Station) to safely hold each Velociraptor whenever the staff need to check on them. The paddock also has a holding pen to house pigs that are used to train the raptors.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Lewman, D. (2015) Chapter Twenty. In Jurassic World Special Edition Junior Novelization (pp. 97-102). New York, NY: Random House.
  2. 2.0 2.1 JurassicWorld.com: Raptor Paddock
  3. Hoskins film dialog: "I have been working for two years on applications for those raptors."
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dialog in Jurassic World
  5. Lewman, D. (2015) Chapter Twenty-Five. In Jurassic World Special Edition Junior Novelization (pp. 119-123). New York, NY: Random House.