Jurassic Park Wiki

Velociraptor, in real life, was a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period which inhabited what is now the Mongolia-China border. Velociraptor was no bigger than a wolf and with its feathers it bore a very bird-like appearance. It had a long claw ("terrible claw") on the second toe of both feet, 8 cm (3 in) long, which was probably used as a weapon. Velociraptor was the first dromaeosaurid be discovered (1923) and is still the most well known to paleontologists, with over a dozen recovered fossil skeletons - the most of any other member of its family. Since its appearance in the first film, it has become a symbol of Jurassic Park and has appeared in all the films and games.

In the Jurassic Park universe, the term "Velociraptor" is applied to the genus of another dromaeosaurid dinosaur known as Deinonychus. The films, like the novels, followed the unusual taxonomy created by Gregory S. Paul, who believed that Deinonychus, as well as a few other species of dromaeosaurids, could be classified under the genus "Velociraptor". This is why the Velociraptor in the Jurassic Park films are so large.[1]

Wikipedia has a more detailed and comprehensive article on Velociraptor

Jurassic Park Franchise

Velociraptor are one of the main antagonists in all Jurassic Park media. However, these creatures are different from the real-life Velociraptor as they follow the Gregory S. Paul taxonomy explained above. In the novels, the animals are misclassified as Achillobator giganticus, judging by the size and location of the amber samples, and in the films, the animals are classified as "Velociraptor antirrhopus" in accordance to Gregory S. Paul taxonomy. The raptors, however, heavily differ from their real life counterparts in physiology and appearance, including a lack of feathers, pronated hands, and general mismatched proportions. This is possibly due to genetic mutations of unknown origin that differ the animals from their fossil record counterparts.

Novel canon

see Velociraptor (novel canon)

Film canon

See Velociraptor (movie canon)

Velociraptor is one of the most popular dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park franchise. They have a major role in all four movies and The Game. Velociraptor is the first dinosaur seen in Jurassic Park. The first scene features a raptor being transported into the paddock. They are often seen hunting in packs and as being highly intelligent.

Video games

They appear in almost all games. Below is a list of notable games featuring them:


A male raptor from the Lost World arcade game.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park PSX

In the Lost World: Jurassic Park video game, Velociraptor is a playable character. They appear as they do in the novels. The information screen of this level shows that these raptors are two meters long; which shows that they belong to the mongoliensis species. However judging by size and information (coutresy by JP Legacy), they apparently are known as V. giganticus which is Achillobator. The raptor must escape an abandoned InGen facility into a forest were a forest fire rages, while facing numerous dinosaurs and hunters. However, their physical appearance still resembles the Deinonychus, which also appears in the game.

Jurassic Park III: Park Builder

In Jurassic Park III: Park Builder, raptors, both the male and female version from Jurassic Park III, can be created. Ironically, so, too, can Deinonychus. However, they are two meters long in the game, making them Velociraptor mongoliensis. However, the Deinonychus do not resemble the raptors from the third movie, although they do look like the Raptors from the first two films.

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Raptor og

Raptors in the Operation Genesis intro cinematic.

see Velociraptor/Operation Genesis

This small pack hunter is the most intelligent predator of Jurassic Park. They exhibit high levels of aggression towards humans in their environment. They hunt in packs but tend only to attack large prey if they have superior numbers. Armed with needle sharp teeth and wicked hooked claws, these small predators must be treated with extreme caution.

Jurassic Park: Builder

see Velociraptor/Builder

Velociraptor is one of the available dinosaurs in the IOS application, Jurassic Park: Builder. When you create the Velociraptor Paddock, two raptors will be placed in it. The raptors are small infants in the first levels, they reach adulthood at level 5.

Jurassic World: The Game

see Velociraptor/JW: TG

Velociraptor is a playable character in Jurassic World: The Game


Under contruction

Theme Parks

The raptors appeared near the end of Jurassic Park: River Adventure, where they are shown to have recently escaped, and are now tearing up the area. During Universal's Annual Halloween Horror Nights which took place at Islands of Adventure for the first time in 2002, the Jurassic Park island became JP: Extinction, and of course, with all the dinosaurs unleashed out of their paddocks, there were several scare-actors dressed up as raptors, hiding in the bushes, waiting to scare the unsuspecting tourists.

Toy lines


  • Although largely based on Deinonychus antirrhopus, they were more similar in size to Achillobator giganticus.
  • The Internet meme "Philosoraptor" is a satirical representation of the Velociraptor and their implied intelligence
  • The Velociraptor in the Dangerous Games adapted feathers.
  • Kelly, Oscar, Muldoon (Novel), Dr. Grant (Novel), and an unseen InGen Security Trooper are the only characters in the whole franchise who succeeded in killing a Velociraptor (besides characters in shooting games).


  1. Paul, Gregory S. (1988). Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. New York: Simon and Schuster. pp. 464pp. ISBN 978-0671619466.